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Bringing our local knowledge to the global market.
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The Knowles Company celebrates 125 years
In 1898 The Knowles Company’s founding family built a real estate and rental business rooted in integrity and professionalism. More than 125 years later Maine’s finest team still carries on that legendary tradition and service.
Our Team
We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do and dedicated to delivering the best results for our clients.
- Blakeslee Bell Rental Agent
- Tricia Blythe Broker
- Nick Burnett Associate Broker
- Kate Chaplin Owner/Rental Agent
- Andrew Chase Affiliate Broker
- Sara Dennis Affiliate Broker
- Susan Ferrante-Collier Associate Broker
- Torie Hallock Associate Broker
- Keri Hayes Rental Agent
- Nikki Hooper Rental Agent
- Beth Ingebritson Broker
- Marla Jones Online Marketing Agent
- Megan Adler Moore Sales Agent
- Keating Pepper Broker
- Lili Pew Associate Broker
- Bonnie Ray Associate Broker
- Maria Spallino Sales Agent
- Mia Thompson Owner/Broker
- Rob Van Alen Affiliate Broker
- Kitty Barbee Bookkeeping
- Brooke Collier Bookkeeping
- Claire Dorwart Business Manager
- Jane McCombs-Beaman Admin/Broker
- Rob McKee Broker, Marketing Director